مروری بر دوره
دوره آژور فاندامنتال با کد آزمون AZ-900 یک دوره جذاب برای ورود به دنیای مایکروسافت آژور است که به عنوان یک دوره پیش نیاز برای ورود به دنیای بزرگ Microsoft Azure شناخته میشود.
در این دوره شما با مقدمات و مفاهیم بسیار مهم مایکروسافت آژور آشنا میشوید و در سطح پایه کار کردن با محیط آژور را فرا میگیرید تا آمادگی لازم برای گذراندن دوره های تخصصی آژور در سطوح بالاتر را بر اساس رود مپ مد نظر خود بدست آورید.
دوره آژور فاندامنتال با کد آزمون AZ-900
دوره آژور فاندامنتال (AZ-900) یک دوره آموزشی است که به مباحث اصولی و بنیادین مرتبط با پلتفرم ابری مایکروسافت آژور (Microsoft Azure) میپردازد. این دوره به دانشجویان کمک میکند تا اصول و مفاهیم پایهای را در خصوص استفاده از سرویسهای ابری مایکروسافت آژور (Microsoft Azure) فرا بگیرند.
در دوره آژور فاندامنتال (AZ-900) ، شرکت کنندگان با مفاهیم و تکنولوژیهای پشتیبانی شده توسط مایکروسافت آژور (Microsoft Azure) آشنا میشوند و نحوه استفاده از سرویسهای مختلف ارائه شده توسط مایکروسافت آژور (Microsoft Azure) را درک خواهند کرد.
دوره آژور فاندامنتال (AZ-900) گام اول برای وارد شدن به سرویس های ابری مایکروسافت آژوره (Microsoft Azure) است. با حضور در دوره آژور فاندامنتال (AZ-900) ، شرکت کننده قادر خواهد بود تا نحوه استفاده از منابع محاسبات، شبکه، ذخیره سازی و خدمات دیگر را در آژور یاد بگیرد.
دوره آژور فاندامنتال یک دوره آموزشی مناسب برای کسانی است که قصد ورود به دنیای کلاود مایکروسافت را دارند و با حضور در این دوره، شرکت کننده قادر خواهد بود تا مفاهیم پایهای مرتبط با استفاده از مایکروسافت آژور (Microsoft Azure) را فرابگیرد و بتواند در صورت نیاز به سرویسدهی در حوزه ابری ، با استفاده از آژور عمل نمایید.
این دوره طبق اعلام مایکروسافت و به صورت رسمی پیش نیاز دیگری ندارد و خود دوره آژور فاندامنتال (AZ-900) پیش نیاز دوره های بعدی مایکروسافت آژور است اما از نظر فنی قطعا به دانش کلود پلاس نیاز خواهید داشت .
سرفصل ها
01-Cloud Computing and Vocabulary
02-Principle of economies of scale
03-CapEx vs OpEx and their differences
04-Consumption-based Model
05-IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS cloud service models
06-Public, Private & Hybrid cloud deployment models
07-Geographies Regions & Availability Zones
08-Resources Resource Groups & Resource Manager
09-Compute Services VMs VM Scale Set App Service Functions ACI AKS
10-Networking Services Virtual Network VPN Gateway CDN Load Balancer App GW
11-Azure Storage Services Blob Queue Table Files Disk and Storage Tiers
12-Database Services Cosmos DB SQL Database Db for MySQL & PostgreSQL
13- Azure Marketplace
14-Azure IoT Services IoT Hub IoT Central Azure Sphere
15-Azure Big Data & Analytics Services Synapse HDInsight Databricks
16- Azure Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services Machine Learning Studio & Service
17-Azure Serverless Computing Services Functions, Logic Apps, Event Grid
18-Azure DevOps Solutions Azure DevOps DevTest Labs
19-Azure Tools Azure Portal CLI PowerShell & Cloud Shell
20-Azure Advisor
21-Azure Security Groups Network and Application Security Groups (NSG ASG)
22-User-defined Routes (UDR) with Route Tables
23-Azure Firewall
24- Azure DDoS Protection Distributed Denial of Service
25-Azure Identity Services Authentication Authorization & Active Directory (AD)
26-Azure Security Center
27-Azure Key Vault Secret Key and Certificate Management
28-Azure Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
29-Azure Resource Locks
30-Azure Resource Tags
31-Azure Policy
32-Azure Blueprints
33-Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure
34-Core tenets of Security Privacy Compliance (Trust Center DPA OST and more.)
35-Cost Affecting Factors
36-Cost Reduction Methods Reservations Hybrid Benefit Spot VM Pricing & TCO
37-Azure Cost Management
38-SLA and Composite SLA in Azure
39-Service Lifecycle in Azure Public Preview and General Availability
مباحث Cloud Plus:
Chapter 1
Introducing Cloud Computing Configurations and Deployments
Introducing Cloud Computing
Cloud Service Models
Cloud Reference Designs and Delivery Models
Introducing Cloud Concepts and Components
Connecting the Cloud to the Outside World
Deciding Whether to Move to the Cloud
Selecting Cloud Compute Resources
Hypervisor Affinity Rules
Validating and Preparing for the Move to the Cloud
Choosing Elements and Objects in the Cloud
Internet of Things
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Creating and Validating a Cloud Deployment
The Cloud Shared Resource Pooling Model
Organizational Uses of the Cloud
Scaling and Architecting Cloud Systems Based
on Requirements
Understanding Cloud Performance
Delivering High Availability Operations
Managing and Connecting to Your Cloud Resources
Is My Data Safe? (Replication and Synchronization)
Understanding Load Balancers
Cloud Testing
Verifying System Requirements
Correct Scaling for Your Requirements
Making Sure the Cloud Is Always Available
Remote Management of VMs
Monitoring Your Cloud Resources
Writing It All Down (Documentation)
Creating Baselines
Shared Responsibility Model
Chapter 2
Cloud Deployments
Executing a Cloud Deployment
Understanding Deployment and Change Management
Cloud Deployment Models
Network Deployment Considerations
Service Level Agreements
Matching Data Center Resources to Cloud Resources
What Are Available and Proposed Hardware Resources?
Templates and Images
Physical Resource High Availability
Introducing Disaster Recovery
Physical Hardware Performance Benchmarks
Cost Savings When Using the Cloud
Energy Savings in the Cloud
Shared vs. Dedicated Hardware Resources in a Cloud
Data Center
Configuring and Deploying Storage
Identifying Storage Configurations
Storage Provisioning
Storage Priorities: Understanding Storage Tiers
Managing and Protecting Your Stored Data 95 Storage Security
Accessing Your Storage in the Cloud
Performing a Server Migration
Different Types of Server Migrations
Addressing Application Portability
Workload Migration Common Procedures
Examining Infrastructure Capable of Supporting
a Migration
Managing User Identities and Roles
RBAC: Identifying Users and What Their Roles Are
What Happens When You Authenticate?
Understanding Federation
Single Sign-On Systems
Understanding Infrastructure Services
Chapter 3
Security in the Cloud
Cloud Security Compliance and Configurations
Establishing Your Company’s Security Policies
Selecting and Applying the Security Policies to Your Cloud Operations
Some Common Regulatory Requirements
Encrypting Your Data
Remote Access Protocols
Automating Cloud Security
Security Best Practices
Access Control
Accessing Cloud-Based Objects
Cloud Service Models and Security
Cloud Deployment Models and Security
Role-Based Access Control
Mandatory Access Control
Discretionary Access Control
Multifactor Authentication
Single Sign-On
Chapter 4
Implementing Cloud Security
Implementing Security in the Cloud
Data Classification
Segmenting Your Deployment
Implementing Encryption
Applying Multifactor Authentication
Regulatory and Compliance Issues During Implementation
Cloud Access Security Broker
Automating Cloud Security
Automation Tools
Techniques for Implementing Cloud Security
Security Services
Chapter 5
Maintaining Cloud Operations
Applying Security Patches
Patching Cloud Resources
Patching Methodologies
Patching Order of Operations and Dependencies
Updating Cloud Elements
Version Update
Workflow Automation
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Virtualization Automation Tools and Activities
Storage Operations
Types of Backups
Backup Targets
Backup and Restore Operations
Chpter 6
Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, and Ongoing Maintenance
Implementing a Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity Plan
Service Provider Responsibilities and Capabilities
Disaster Recovery Models and Techniques
Business Continuity
Establishing a Business Continuity Plan
Establishing Service Level Agreements
Cloud Maintenance
Establishing Maintenance Windows
Maintenance Interruptions to Operations
Maintenance Automation Impact and Scope
Common Maintenance Automation Tasks
Chapter 7
Cloud Management
Cloud Metrics
Monitoring Your Deployment
Cloud Support Agreements
Standard Cloud Maintenance Responsibilities
Configuration Management Applications and Tools
Change Management Processes
Adding and Removing Cloud Resources
Determining Usage Patterns
Migrating Between Cloud Providers
Scaling Resources to Meet Requirements
Extending the Scope of the Cloud
Understanding Application Life Cycles
Organizational Changes
Managing Account Provisioning
Account Identification
Lockout Policies
Password Complexity
Account Automation and Orchestration
Chapter 8
Cloud Management Baselines, Performance, and SLAs
Measuring Your Deployment Against the Baseline
Object Tracking for Baseline Validation
Applying Changes to the Cloud to Meet Baseline Requirements
Changing Operations to Meet Expected
Performance/Capacity Requirements
Cloud Accounting, Chargeback, and Reporting
Chapter 9
Incident Management
Incident Types
Logging Incidents
Prioritizing Incidents
Time Synchronization
Troubleshooting Cloud Capacity Issues
Capacity Boundaries in the Cloud
Troubleshooting Automation and Orchestration
Process and Workflow Issues
Chapter 10
Troubleshooting Networking and Security Issues and Understanding Methodologies
Troubleshooting Cloud Networking Issues
Identifying the Common Networking Issues in the Cloud
Network Troubleshooting and Connectivity Tools
Remote Access Tools
Troubleshooting Security Issues
Account Privilege Escalation
Network Access Issues
Certificate Configuration Issues
Device- Hardening Settings
External Attacks
Internal Attacks
Maintain Sufficient Security Controls and Processes
Network Access Tunneling and Encryption
Troubleshooting Methodology
Identifying the Problem
Establishing a Theory
Testing the Theory
Creating and Implementing a Plan of Action
Verifying the Resolution
Documenting the Ordeal
این دوره ها مبتنی بر سیلابس ماکروسافت هستند ؟
همراه عزیز گاندوتک سلام؛
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