برنامه نویسی وب با Django
Web Application Programming with Django

سرفصل ها
Module 1: Web
- Web and HTTP
- Webservers(Nginx and Apache)
- Web programming with CGI
- Web programming with WSGI
- Webservices
Module 2: Database
- RDBMS Concepts
- Normalization
- Sqlite
- PostgreSQL
- Database Design Concepts
- NoSQL Databases
Module 3: Python OOP
- Classes
- Instances and Objects
- Attributes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Magic Methods
- Static Methods
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Property
- Exception Handling
- Modules
Module 3: Djando Framework
- Django Architecture
- Django Settings
- MVC and MTV
- URLs and routing
- Django Templates and Jinja
- Projects
- Static Assets
- Django ORM and alternative ORMs
- Django Admin
- Forms
- Django users and authentication
- WSGI Servers
Module 4: Djando REST Framework
- Webservices
- REST Concepts
- Bulding webservices with Django
Module 5: Containerized Django Apps
- Intro to Docker
- Containers, Images and Runtime
- Docker Networking
- Docker Compose
- Reverse Proxy
- SSL and Offloading
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