CKA - Certfied Kubernetes Administrator

سرفصل ها
1 - Core Components & concepts
- K8s Components in details
- Cluster Architecture
- Introduction to Pods,Deployments,Replicaset,Statefulset,Namespace
- Imperative Vs Declerative
- Cluster Initialization & Cluster Management - Kubeadm
- (Cluster upgrade in chapter 2)
- ETCD Backup & Restore
2 - Scheduling
- Labeling
- Manual Scheduling
- Use Nodeselector
- Use Node affinity
- Use Taint & Toleration
- Resource Limitation
3 - Logging & Monitoring
- Logs & Events
- K8s Dashboard
4 - Application Lifecycle
- Scale Application
- Environemtns variable types
- Secrets
- Config Maps
- Multi Container – Sidecar Container – init Container
- Probs Types
5 - Authentication & Authorization
- TLS & Certs in K8s
- API Groups
- Role Based Access Controls – RBAC
- Service Accounts & usecase
- KubeConfig
- Network Policy
6 - Storage
- Volume Drivers & storage Interface
- PV & PVC in details
- Storage Class
7 - Networking
- DNS & Networking Concepts
- Core DNS
- CNI & Cluster Networking
- Type of Networking (ClusterIP-Headless-NodePort-LB)
- Ingress & Usecase
Code | Duration | Price (Rial) | Currency Fee | Week days | Start date | Start time | ||
OLT0046 | 60 hours | 5,200,000 Tomans | - | Tuesday | Tuesday, 2025/04/22 | From 17:0 To 21:0 | Enroll | |
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