Front-end development is the part of web development that involves creating the user interface and user experience of a website. It involves using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build responsive and interactive web pages.
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Online Course

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Become a front end developer and learn how to build beautiful websites and functional web applications. This course is perfect for any one who wants to start their career in the ever-growing IT sector.This course, designed for both students with and without experience in Front End Development, makes you a well-rounded professional.


آنچه خواهید آموخت


HTML and CSS are the building blocks of any web application. A strong foundation on HTML and CSS is very important to become a successful full stack web developer.


CSS are the building blocks of any web application. A strong foundation on CSS is very important to become a successful full stack web developer.


Javascript is the most popular language in both front-end and backe-end (Node.js), thus you can become a full-stack web developer just by learning JavaScript.


Bootstrap is a popular front-end development framework that helps developers build responsive and mobile-first websites.



Sass (short for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a preprocessor scripting language that is used to extend the capabilities of CSS. Sass files are compiled into CSS files, which can be used to style web pages.


Git is a version control system that is widely used by software developers to manage source code and collaborate on projects.


سرفصل ها


  • 1. Introduction to HTML
  • 2. Browsers and HTML
  • 3. Editors Offline and Online
  • 4. Tags Attribute and Elements
  • 5. Doctype element
  • 7. Heading
  • 8. Paragraphs
  • 9. Formatting Text
  • 10. Lists
  • 11. Links
  • 12. Images
  • 13. Tables
  • 14.HTML5 Tag
  • 15.HTML5 Attribute


  • 1. Introduction CSS
  • 2. Applying CSS to HTML
  • 3. Selectors properties and values
  • 4. CSS Colors
  • 5. CSS Backgrounds
  • 6. CSS Box Model
  • 7. CSS Margins Padding Borders
  • 8. CSS Text and Font Properties
  • 9. CSS General Topics
  • 10. CSS3
  • 11.CSS3 Selector
  • 12.CSS3 Property
  • 13.Gradient
  • 14.Transform
  • 15.Transition
  • 16.CSS Animation
  • 17.Responsive Design
  • 18.Print Style


  • 1. Introduction to JavaScript
  • 2. Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
  • 3. Understanding JS Syntax
  • 4. Introduction to Document and Window Object
  • 5. Variables
  • 6. Operators
  • 7. Data Types
  • 8. Num Type Conversions
  • 9. Math
  • 10. String Manipulation
  • 11. Objects
  • 12. Arrays
  • 13. Date and Time
  • 14. Conditional Statements
  • 15. Switch Case
  • 16. Looping in JS
  • 17. Functions


  • Layout
  • Components:
  • Typography
  • CSS Variables
  • Accessibility
  • Responsive Images
  • JavaScript Plugins


  • Variables
  • Nesting
  • Mixins:
  • Functions
  • Importing
  • Extensions


  • Introduction to Git
  • Setting up Gi
  • Basic Git commands
  • Branching and merging
  • Resolving conflicts
  • Working with remote repositories

سوالات متداول

Every technology company needs front-end developers. Hence, front end developers are always in huge demand. Moreover, they can be groomed into back end developers or full stack web developers, so employers like to hire them a lot.



There are many great front end technologies and frameworks. Based on the specific use case one framework might be more suitable than the other. For instance, Angular uses bi-directional data flow and updates the real DOM, while React uses unidirectional data flow and updates only the virtual DOM. Bootstrap has tons of content resources and is easy to use.



There are many tools that aid in front end development. Chrome Developer tools,Vscode , Codepen, Sublime Text, and Git Extensions are some of the most popular ones.



Absolutely, that's what this course is created for. With high quality training videos, plenty of practice projects, this online course give you the practical skills to succeed as a front end developer. You also get well-earned certificate at the end of the course.



Some basic computer skills, such as familiarity with file management, are helpful for front-end development courses.

Currently, no calendar is set for this course.


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  • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.

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